Daily log: 11-1



Mercy St. Vin­cent Med­i­cal Center

An­drea and Joel Gaft, Toledo, boy, Oct. 28.

Da­niela and John Shaner, Toledo, boy, Oct. 29.

Brigette and Patrick Sad­owski, Syl­va­nia Town­ship, girl, Oct. 30.

Toledo Hos­pi­tal

Kelly Dresher, Toledo, boy, Oct. 29.

Brit­t­any Igo, Toledo, boy, Oct. 30.

El­len and Bret Hun­te­brinker, Toledo, girl, Oct. 30.

Car­rie and Ryan Tester, Toledo, boy, Oct. 30.

Tif­fani and Aaron Dutridge, Toledo, girl, Oct. 30.

Valerie and Mickey Macke, Toledo, boy, Oct. 30.

Chris­tie and Keith Miller, Per­rys­burg, girl, Oct. 30.



Lu­cas County

Ben­nett, Mela­nia, 96, Rye­wick Drive, hy­per­ten­sion.

Burke, Jac­que­lyn aka Jackie, 82, Ne­vada Street, stroke syn­drome.

Col­lier, Jerry, 63, Tor­rey Hill Drive, heart dis­ease.

En­gler, James, 75, Key­gate Drive, sep­tic shock.

Fra­vor, Dale, 86, Rambo Lane, sep­sis.

Gard­ner, Candice, 29, South Park Lane, my­e­lomenin­go­cele.

Gard­ner, El­bert, Jr., 62, North Huron Street, can­cer.

Hill, Ferne, 83, Tem­per­ance, re­nal dis­ease.

Jones, Robert, 48, North Sum­mit Street, ac­ci­dent.

Knud­son, Blanche, 98, East Shore­line Drive, Hol­land, Alz­hei­mer’s de­men­tia.

Kwi­at­k­owski, Vir­ginia, 93, George­town Avenue, cor­o­nary ar­tery dis­ease.

Mai­son­neuve, Har­vey, 84, Man­ley Road, Maumee, con­ges­tive heart fail­ure.

Mize, Roy, 63, Huron, Ohio, ath­ero­scle­ro­sis dis­ease.

Na­gel, Donna, 72, Na­po­leon, re­spi­ra­tory fail­ure.

Nus­baum, Robert, 74, Tif­fin, cer­e­brovas­cu­lar ac­ci­dent.

Porter, Frank, Jr., 85, Rose­wood Avenue, de­men­tia.

Price, Valerie, 74, Chippewa Road, can­cer.

Snider, Keith, 52, Willis­ton, Ohio, lym­phoma.

Star­bird, Ray­mond, 82, Harvest Lane, my­e­l­o­dys­pla­sia.

Tonoff, Sharon, 71, North­wood, de­men­tia.

Varner, Cyn­thia, 74, May­fair Bou­le­vard, can­cer.

Wil­son, Dar­lene, 61, Carskad­don Avenue, can­cer.

Wise, Robert, 53, West Drive, Har­bor View, Ohio, re­spi­ra­tory fail­ure.

Woods, Lil­lie, 67, Pack­ard Road, car­ci­noma.

Zoski, Robert, 65, Ge­neva Street, hy­per­ten­sive heart dis­ease.


Crime re­ports

Fe­lo­ni­ous as­sault

Jo­shua Slates, as­saulted at res­i­dence in 300 block of Hi­ett.


Steve Jones, Jr., shot on street in 100 block of East Park by one of two men who also robbed him and Frank Grace and Tai­juan Bean of cell phones at gun­point; Frank Grace was also robbed of ben­e­fits card and per­sonal doc­u­ments.

Scott Shir­ley, store em­ployee as­saulted and robbed of mer­chan­dise at store in 3300 block of Se­cor.


JPMor­gan Chase & Co., cop­per plumb­ing from house in 2900 block of 121st.

Michelle Ear­ley, lap­top com­puter, video game sys­tems, por­ta­ble DVD player, and video cam­era from res­i­dence in 1900 block of Bar­rows.

Chase Home Finance LLC, fur­nace, wa­ter heater, sink, tub, cop­per, and elec­tric wires from house in 1400 block of Western.

Marielle Furr, TVs, lap­top com­puter, dig­i­tal cam­eras, and pairs of shoes from house in 1800 block of Free­man.

Danita Light­ner and Dan­isha Mack­lin, cash, jew­elry, lap­top com­puter, video game sys­tem, dig­i­tal cam­era, cell phone, and pairs of boots from res­i­dence in 1200 block of 4 Sea­sons.

Chase Home Finance LLC, fur­nace and cop­per from house in 2000 block of Ber­dan.

Val­entina Slaugh­ter, jew­elry from res­i­dence in 3800 block of Re­vere.

Chris­to­pher Dudek, lawn main­te­nance equip­ment from ga­rage in 5900 block of Lewis.

Char­main Buchanan, jew­elry, TVs, com­put­ers, and pairs of boots from res­i­dence in 1000 block of In­di­ana.

Stan­ley Braswell, paint sprayer and power saw from res­i­dence in 900 block of Coven­try.

Tasha Brown, cash, TVs, lap­top com­puter, and video game sys­tems with games and con­trol­lers from res­i­dence in 200 block of Clifton.

Ron­ita Jones, safe from res­i­dence in 1900 block of Delence.

Ideal Hot­dog, cash from restau­rant in 1100 block of West Alexis.

Den­nis Gal­li­gan, cash, jew­elry, coin col­lec­tion, TV, and hand­gun from res­i­dence in 300 block of San Jose.


Nor­man Stevens, food stamp card and per­sonal doc­u­ments from res­i­dence in 3200 block of Glen­dale.

Kim­berly Miller, jew­elry from res­i­dence in 3800 block of Wat­son.

Rich­ard Keenan, hand­gun with am­mu­ni­tion from res­i­dence in 100 block of West Florence.

Mi­chael War­ren, cell phone with ear­phones and wal­let with cash, bank card, and driver's li­cense from ath­letic fa­cil­ity in 2000 block of Tre­mains­ville.

Pa­tio and Walk­way Creations LLC, busi­ness checks from res­i­dence in 1700 block of Acorn.

An­drea Wright, book bag with bank cards, gift cards, and per­sonal doc­u­ments from res­i­dence in 2500 block of East­gate.

Pa­tri­cia Page, wal­let with cash, bank cards, food stamp card, gift cards, and per­sonal doc­u­ments from bus in 1100 block of West Cen­tral.

An­gela Willis, wal­let with cash, bank cards, ben­e­fits card, and per­sonal doc­u­ments from out­side of res­i­dence in 3500 block of Re­vere.

Steve Mitch­ell, wa­ter tank, plumb­ing, and wires from house in 1100 block of North Mich­i­gan.

Ruth Peter­sheim, cash, ben­e­fits card, clothes, hy­giene prod­ucts, and food from res­i­dence in 2800 block of Trim­ble.

Chuk­wudi Onubogu, wal­let with cash, bank cards, and per­sonal doc­u­ments and pa­pers from res­i­dence in 800 block of Thorn­wood.

Austin Koback, power tools from ve­hi­cle in 4900 block of Stick­ney.

7-Eleven, cash from con­ve­nience store in 3700 block of Up­ton.

Kim­berly Reyes, check­book and par­tial set of false teeth from ve­hi­cle in 4900 block of Jack­man.

Bobby For­sythe, wal­let with cash, bank cards, and per­sonal doc­u­ments from res­i­dence in 200 block of Sun­set.

David Forche, snow blow­ers from shed in 5100 block of Breeze­way.

Mary Steiner, wal­let with cash from res­i­dence in 400 block of Pas­a­dena.

Tracy Fletcher, cash and med­i­cine from res­i­dence in 1800 block of Chris­tian.