Column on 2 cities on point


Blade Deputy Editorial Page Editor Jeff Gerritt’s Jan. 13 op-ed column, “Detroit’s problems are also Toledo’s,” provides a much-needed wake-up call to the Toledo area.

Mr. Gerritt points out that Detroit’s problems have been greatly aggravated by a failure to attack problems on a regional basis. The suburbs surrounding Detroit have built a virtual wall around the city in the hope of containing Detroit’s problems. But Detroit’s problems have spread to its suburbs.

Mr. Gerritt notes that Toledo is showing signs of following Detroit’s example. The efforts of some Toledo suburbs to leave the regional bus system are an example of failure to support a regional approach to solving problems.

The Toledo area is fortunate because the city’s problems are not yet as out of hand as Detroit’s. However, Toledo’s suburbs must realize that their efforts should not be to build a figurative fence around the city, but rather to band together with the city in a regional approach to solve those problems.




Submit a letter to the editor


Don’t rip Boehner for failure to lead

Your Jan. 10 editorial “Boehner must lead” is an example of how our country is governed from the left and its media are in step with the current administration by offering skewed opinions in support.

Why is leadership the responsibility of House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio? How about the President, Senate majority leader, or House minority leader stepping across the aisle to compromise?

Did we miss that happening? I don’t think so, because the liberal media would have reported this with a major headline.

President Obama campaigned on a theme of hope and change. Change can’t come soon enough; I hope it’s not too late.




Lawmakers need to do what’s right

Why do we keep letting lawmakers push our country and our economy to the brink of ruin (“House GOP agrees to lift debt ceiling; both chambers must OK budget in 3-month span,” Jan. 19)?

Members of Congress act like 3-year-olds who pout and give ultimatums to fix the economy. In the meantime, citizens are praying that the fiscal issues get resolved. We hope that what little we have will not be diminished again by circumstances over which we have little control.

We need to let Washington know that we deserve better, we want better, and, somehow, we will find a way to get better.

Our elected representatives care nothing about those who put them where they are. It is time for them to get back to the business of running the country properly and fairly.


Adella Street


2007 Congress started cliff issue

The Harry Reid-Nancy Pelosi Congress of 2007 gave us a running start toward the fiscal cliff. The 2012 election officially started a perfect swan dive.


River Road