Student of the week: Samuel Meyer

Rogers High School



School subject: Chemistry

Extracurricular activity: Bowling

Hobbies: Programming, cooking, hanging out

Car: Chrysler 300

Store: Replay of Toledo

Musical artist: Hall and Oates

Movie: The Lord of the Rings

TV show: The Walking Dead



Cafeteria food must-have: Pizza

Last book read that wasn't required: Catching Fire

Pet peeve: Squeaky doors

Person I'd like to meet: Chuck Norris

Person most admired: Henry Ford

Items always in my locker: Calendar

First job: Landscaper

Top accomplishment: Making it into college



After-graduation plans: I'm going to study biology

Career goal: I hope to go into health care

Quote from teacher: Michael Cowan, assistant principal at Rogers High School, describes Sam as "the man that took the road less traveled."

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.