Springfield school board pulls 3.9-mill levy from May ballot


The Springfield Board of Education withdrew the district's 3.9 mil operating levy that was to appear on the May ballot, officials said today.

The decision resulted from a review in February of the district’s five-year financial projections, according to a statement from school officials.

In a written statement, the school board indicated the levy would be insufficient to "stabilize the district’s financial operations."

The statement cited multiple factors, such as decreased revenues, costs associated with Ohio’ achievement testing, increased need to purchase new and update existing technology, changes in state funding formulas and revenue sources to educate students with special needs, wage and health care benefits within negotiated personnel contracts, and a fluctuating number of students.

“We believe that we now have a more complete snapshot of the district’s financial outlook," Sherri Koback, the board president, said in the statement.

Ms. Koback said the district would consider another levy request.

"With the assistance of our administrators, staff, and community, we will explore all avenues to further reduce costs and take action later this year to seek voter support of an operating levy that truly will empower the district to provide an exceptional education for today’s learners and tomorrow’s leaders,” she said.