Student of the Week: Noah Pennington

Evergreen High School

Noah Pennington
Noah Pennington


School Subject: Math

Extracurricular Activity: School Musical

Hobbies: Church Youth Group, Youth Advisory Council

Car: Saturn Ion

Store: Walmart

Musical Artist: Building 429

Movie: Remember the Titans

TV Show: The Office



Cafeteria Food Must Have: Pepperoni breadsticks

Last Book Read That Wasn’t Required: Divergent

Pet Peeve: When people leave lights on

Person Most Admired: Jesus Christ

Person You’d Like To Meet: Urban Meyer

Item Always In Your Locker: Pencils

First Job: Pennington’s Orchards

Top Accomplishment: Valedictorian



After Graduation Plans: I will be attending Ohio State University for the University

Exploration Program, but I have a high interest in the medical field

Career Goal: To do well in college and become very good at whatever career I chose

Quote from teacher: “If a teacher could put in an order for a perfect student,” said Catherine Sohnly, Honors English teacher, “Noah Pennington would be the model which arrived to fill the order. Noah is intelligent, respectful and dependable in all aspects of his life. His academic ability is evidenced by his valedictorian status; his involvement in extracurricular activities such as National Honor Society demonstrates his character and his service. Noah has never uttered an unkind word to anyone, nor has he ever been late or done less than his absolute best on any assignment he completed in his three years as my Language Arts student. I truly admire this young man in many ways.”

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.