Student of the Week: Lark Yan, Southview High School

Lark Yan
Lark Yan


School Subject: Biology, psychology, history

Extracurricular Activities: Debate, Mock Trial, Student Government, National Honor Society

Hobbies: Playing violin, watching movies, spending time with family and friends

Car: Toyota Camry

Store: Costco

Musical Artist: Sam Smith

Movie: Hacksaw Ridge

TV Show: Parks and Recreation



Cafeteria Food Must Have: Grilled cheese and tomato soup

Last Book Read That Wasn’t Required: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Person You’d Like to Meet: Lin-Manuel Miranda

Person Most Admired: My parents

Item always in your locker: Water bottles

Top Accomplishment: Qualifying to Nationals for Debate and making it to semi-finals



After Graduation Plans: Traveling abroad and afterwards attending college

Career Goal: Any job that I’m passionate about and that makes me happy

Quote from Teacher:  “Lark Yan is a brilliant young woman, who is currently taking 5 AP courses as part of a full course load, carries over a 4.5 GPA, was a National Semi-finalist for Speech and Debate, and has recently been named a National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist,” said Abigail Cappel, Science teacher. “Believe it or not, these are not the qualities that I think make Lark so incredibly amazing. Lark shines because she is kind, humble, and giving of her talents. Lark shines because she works so hard, is so accomplished, and never once in the four years that I’ve known her has she complained about a teacher, a peer, or an assignment. Not only is Lark an outstanding science student, but as a teaching assistant she reports twice a week to help me with whatever is needed. I know she is incredibly busy with academic and extracurricular activities, but she always makes time to help out. I can’t wait to see what she accomplishes as she transitions from high school, into university, and then into the real world!”

   -  Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.