Simple Steps At Home Can Reduce Global Warming


(NAPS) Here s cool news: Scientists say that if we cut carbon emissions by 80 percent over the next 40 years, we can avoid the worst impacts of global warming. That s only 2 percent per year. And you may already be doing more than you realize.

Simple actions at home to reduce energy consumption switching to compact fluorescent lightbulbs, adjusting your thermostat, cutting your shower time by 5 minutes, purchasing an Energy Star appliance can not only help the environment but can save you money at the same time.

If you ve already committed to doing some of these things, the National Wildlife Federation wants to recognize your efforts to make a difference by distinguishing you as a Good Neighbor. You can earn Good Neighbor points for such energy-saving actions as:

Replacing your old hot-water heater with an energy-efficient model

Using the cold-water setting on your washing machine

Keeping your car off the road one day a week by teleworking, carpooling or taking public transportation

Drinking filtered tap water instead of bottled water.

Once you earn 20 points and take the Good Neighbor pledge, the organization will reward you with a Good Neighbor Pledge Kit. It includes a certificate to proudly display in your home, a window decal that lets friends and neighbors know you have a Good Neighbor home, turn off the light reminder decals for light switches, and a Good Neighbor e-newsletter with useful tips and updates.

Each 20 points you earn reduces your household s carbon footprint 2 percent per year for two years. If every household does that, we can significantly reduce the global warming pollution that is harming our planet and robbing future generations of their wildlife heritage.

For suggestions and more ways to earn points and to cool the planet one home at a time, visit or call (800) 822-9919.