It's dishonest to call Berger act 'sloppy'


If what we have heard about Sandy Berger's perfidy is essentially true, it makes Watergate look like a high school prank. If it were Condi Rice who was caught red-handed doing what Mr. Berger did, articles of impeachment would already have been drawn up on President Bush, and I would think that would be justified.

Where is the intellectual honesty from the liberal side here?

This was a former national security adviser, a lawyer who definitely knew better, who not only illegally removed the highest level top-secret documents from the National Archives, but then destroyed some of them.

And all the Democrats can say is that he was "sloppy"?

How do the Democrats have the audacity to wonder why the majority of people in this country simply refuse to trust them with matters of our national defense and security?

Robert C.W. Birmingham

Vermaas Avenue

I applaud your July 16 editorial, "Bush-Cheney's crude gamble."

We must now cast our votes in November to end the many deceptions of the Bush Administration.



We need not worry about how the terrorists will get their terror message out: Our government is doing a great job of making people afraid. Our government is making us afraid to vote. Afraid of an "impending" attack on Election Day, but, as usual, it offers no proof. But, truth is, the proof isn't important when the goal is fear.

We cannot let the terrorists, nor the people within our own government, deter us from making our will known. We must not let fear prevent us from voting. The will of the people must not be subverted by anyone, and that means that we must take the time to cast our vote, and ensure that it is counted. We must also ensure that there is a paper trail for our votes, which is why a paper ballot is recommended since the electronic systems do not have a paper trail.

George Wagner


The war in Iraq reminds me of a bee's nest. One stings you and you swat it. Then the whole nest attacks you.



Bill Clinton, in his speech at the Democratic Convention, pointed out that, because he is now a rich guy, the Bush Administration's tax cuts were good for him. While he bashed President Bush for those tax cuts, I never once heard him say that he was going to write an extra check to the IRS to make things right.

Tom Sussman

Sylvania Township