President has made us less secure


The United States is not "at war." To the Iraqi people, there is a foreign power occupying them. They hate it and there is massive resistance.

We are angry about 9/11. Are the Iraqi people any less angry about being bombed daily by a foreign power? Is it any less of a terror for them because we are an organized state? The cynical linking of 9/11 to President Bush's "war" in Iraq is misleading. It speculates on the basest human instincts for revenge and retaliation.

The 9/11 attack came from Saudis and Muslim fundamentalists. Saddam Hussein and Iraq had little to do with Muslim fundamentalists. The entire informed world agrees on that. Yet Mr. Bush constantly uses this false linkage to justify the occupation of Iraq.

Mr. Bush promises "endless war." This may be one of the few things he really will follow through on. He is losing his "war."

We are back to bombing towns and villages from the air. Around their holy shrine in Najaf, there have been thousands of civilian casualties, and the burning of entire neighborhoods. His stubborn policies will only generate hatred, revenge, and more attacks against the United States. We are less secure.

President Bush wastes our talents, our resources, our youth. He is less interested in democracy than mega profits for oil companies, Halliburton, and his billionaire buddies.

Some say we shouldn't change horses in mid-stream.

I say, with regard to Mr. Bush, not only should we change horses, we should get out of the water.


Petersburg, Mich.

An effective remedy is sorely needed for the overdose of political signage to which the public is subjected each and every campaign season. This signage grows uncontrollably and ever larger, like weeds; and, if they bloom on private property, they must be endured for there they are legal.

On the other hand, when they are placed on public property or in the public right-of-way (as many now are), they are illegal - plain and simple. Those who choose to place signs illegally deserve the full prosecution available under the law; but, then, aren't some of these miscreants themselves members of the "officialdom"?

If advocates of particular candidates and issues can't obey the law regarding campaign sign placement, how can a voter be expected to trust those candidates and agencies with which these scurrilous sign scallywags are associated?

Perhaps those caught illegally placing such signage should be required to perform some sort of cleansing community service, teamed alongside the very candidates and campaign leaders for whose benefits these vile visuals were planted.

Heavy fines also should be assessed to aid city coffers needed to create an "elegant city."

Deborah J. Ryan

Aldringham Road

Shame on Mayor Jack Ford! He didn't set a very good example by flying out of Detroit. He should support his local airport.

