Smokers are selfish and ignorant


Secondhand smoke has always bothered me tremendously. I've always put up with it since my only other option would be to not go out and enjoy myself. Recently, my perspective has changed. My wife is five months pregnant, and now I have her and our baby to consider. Why should I have to worry about the health of my wife and child when we go out to dinner or even a public school event?

As any nonsmoker knows, nonsmoking sections are usually a joke. I've heard or read the phrase "smoker's rights" or similar terminology used quite often in the public smoking controversy. What rights should a smoker have? To pollute public air? Make nonsmokers' clothes stink as if we (the nonsmokers) were the ones poisoning ourselves? To introduce an unborn child to carcinogens?

The only right a smoker should have in regard to his or her bad habit is to purchase the cigarettes and smoke them outside or somewhere not public.

I understand the bar owners' dilemma with the Toledo smoking ban (if you can still call it that). Instead of fighting to keep smoking in public places, why not embrace the ban and fight for a statewide public smoking ban? Maybe we could pave the way to a national smoking ban in public places.

I have a message for any smoker who is irritated or mad because he or she thinks my views are unfair. You are selfish and ignorant to believe it's your right to pollute the air in public places that we all have the God-given right to breathe.



A forum writer said nonsmokers get no thanks for supporting the bars on the smoking ban.

But we bar owners have thanked Toledo voters in many ways. Signs were displayed around the city for several weeks after the election. I ran a thank-you ad in The Blade. We have also thanked voters in person.

If this lady wants to eat at Arnie's, there is a nonsmoking section available in the press box.

I would like to invite her to have lunch in Delaney's, not only to thank her for her support, but also to explain how the amended ordinance actually works.



Delaney's Lounge

West Alexis Road

After reading the article on farm subsidies, I was wondering why subsidies are not paid to owners of small town hardware stores, small town gas stations, small town general stores, etc.

I'm sure all of these small businesses also are shrinking as the landscape in the United States changes. Why, we could give these small businesses an annual subsidy to guarantee them a profit or even let them close up the business for the year and just pay them to "idle" the store.

Heck, if this works we could add nuclear power-plant workers to the list. I'd love to "idle" myself - with pay - for a year.

Eric Horvath

Martin, Ohio

Another Bush Administration fabrication: The President said that John Negroponte will henceforth provide him with intelligence. Good luck! Even God couldn't get that done!


Melvin Drive