Sentence Lay, Skilling appropriately


I believe the American people have finally gotten tired of constantly hearing about the many arrogant and covert ways that big corporation CEOs have been "financially raping" their investors and employees all across the country.

And to attest to this feeling, the recent "jury" convictions of Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling, two of the top executives of the energy industry giant Enron, should be the start of a long overdue corporate housecleaning effort nationwide, in a cooperative manner by the SEC and the Justice Department.

Lay and Skilling created a now "infamous and selfish" get-rich-quick formula consisting of fraud and conspiracy that dealt a severe financial blow to their investors and trusting employees, apparently without concern.

Therefore, when the eventual sentencing is handed out, the severity of their covert actions (stress and trauma) should be taken into consideration, and they should be made to serve their time in a federal facility among the general population. They should not be allowed to bring their Versace wardrobes to "Martha Stewart Prison" and expect to serve their time in a suite of their choice.


Commonwealth Avenue

Imagine our country changing its policies by removing all armed forces and weapons from overseas installations, and using our military for the sole purpose of helping countries in national disasters such as the current earthquake in Indonesia.

If we sent our soldiers without weapons or helmets to coordinate and distribute the contributions generous Americans always make, wouldn't it be a lot better world?

Peter Erdman

Temperance, Mich.

A voice from the past with a lesson for today:

"The people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.

"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger." - Hermann Goering, at the Nuremburg trials.

Paul Szymanowski


In your very fine May 28 editorial you asked when will the leaders of the Roman Catholic Church "see the light, in their dealings with the perpetrators (as well as the victims) of clergy sexual assault?"

Well, as a victim/survivor who has suffered the torments of the damned at the hands of a pedophile Catholic priest, I can tell you that the answer to your question is this: The hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church sees the light, but chooses to ignore it.

The bishops swear to never reveal anything that will bring scandal to the Church. This means that with God on their lips, these men will disregard our criminal justice system to keep sacred the Canon Law of the Church.

It is time for the laity to take back our Church before it is too late. The people in the pews must look into "the light" and see that God is watching us. And He weeps.

Victoria Martin

Long Beach, Calif.

I think the May 24 Forum letter, "Amendment needed to protect marriage," had it wrong. Never before has a constitutional amendment been used to restrict rights.

Gay marriage has been legal for three years now in Ontario. I'm straight, married 25 years with two kids, and my marriage isn't threatened.

But here, all people who are willing to make a commitment to each other before the state, and (in those churches that support gay marriage) before God, are able to celebrate and formalize their relationship, regardless of gender.

As Bishop Desmond Tutu said, "All means all." Ontario is less than an hour away by car. Come for a visit. I think you will find there's no downside and a wonderful sense of joy when all are treated equally.


Toronto, Ont.

I read the top letter May 31 and felt extreme anger. The author likened people of the same sex marrying to "thieves and murderers."

People who think like that are scary. They are in the minority and I thank God for that.

I am a woman who believes in God, but not one who would condemn love between two people, whether of the same sex or not.

The writer's attitude is the antithesis of what Christianity professes. Love thy neighbor as thyself? Hello? Why would you care if two men marry or two women?

I hope God can forgive his hateful, holier-than-thou attitude. Remember that man wrote God's laws.

Homosexuality is physiological. It is obvious he has not done his research.


West Lincolnshire Boulevard

I loved the May 31 letter from the gentleman outlining just exactly why America needs an anti-gay marriage amendment. The only thing I can understand about his logic is that he listens to too much AM radio bull.

I live within a block of what appears to be a gay couple. If only all of my neighbors were such good neighbors. But perhaps I will find a higher place in heaven of my own if I find a way to politically persecute these people.

It is a strange world we live in, indeed.

Karl Walters


Tom Henry's article regarding First Energy injecting carbon dioxide underground is right on. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a leading contributor to human-generated climate change.

In Ohio alone, there was an increase of CO2 by 7.8 million tons in 2004 (totaling more than 137 million tons), according to preliminary estimates by U.S. EPA.

By reducing CO2 emissions, we are lessening our impact on climate change. Perhaps this technology can be applied to Ohio's old, coal-fired power plants.

Although it does not address mercury or other toxins, it is a step in the right direction.

The power utilities, when planning new plants, should make an effort to invest in integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC). These state-of-the- art plants eliminate more than 90 percent of toxic air releases of carbon dioxide, mercury, and lead.

Ohio has the ability to be a leader in this new technology and is courting to be the first state in the Midwest to have a fully operational IGCC plant with carbon capture sequestration known as FutureGen.

Coupled with green alternative energies such as wind and solar fuel cells, which many companies here in Ohio are developing, we can reduce our impact on the climate, while bolstering the economy.

David R. Celebrezze

Outreach Coordinator

Ohio Environmental Council


The 21st-century world is an advanced society that is still plagued with the tendencies of our violent past. Today our armies should be used in the interests of defense and peace, not in pursuit of useless wars.

U.S. military forces should be trained primarily to intercept and deter acts of terror in America and around the world. Our military should be in Sudan's Darfur region, giving aid to those suffering from mass violence, instead of lingering in Iraq.

Stop War. Save Darfur.

Maggie Dziubek

Swan Creek Drive