Toledo needs city manager government


Since metropolitan Toledo's population continues to decline, here are a few items to consider to help the budget. First, return to a city manager form of government. It worked extremely well when we had it and would relieve the ego-driven, secretive, nepotism-style of government we are now burdened with. When we had a city manager, things got done, progress was made, and all without additional taxes every year.

Second, get rid of the at-large City Council seats. If you don't represent an actual district, you aren't needed. Where is the accountability to your district's constituents when you don't have a district? The population gets smaller but the government (and its support staffs) stay the same or get larger. It seems like a no-brainer; the large corporations downsize when revenues are down so the government should also do so when the population is consistently leaving.

We have tried the strong mayor type of government, have only gained negative national attention for its incompetent and ill-thought-out policies and ideas, so let's go back to what worked to make the City of Toledo progress and try to stop the decline we are in with the current type of government.

Robert J. Zuber

Roywood Road

Society giving teens the wrong message

In response to Roberta de Boer's March 18 column about her visit to Planned Parenthood of Toledo, I am in disbelief over her comment suggesting that our society's "abstinence-only" policy isn't working.

Since when have we had an abstinence-only policy in this country? Public schools have been handing out condoms in high schools for 20 years, only to see the rates of teenage pregnancy, abortions, and sexually transmitted diseases increase.

In fact, Ms. de Boer's column demonstrates we are doing a very poor job as a society teaching our young women to protect themselves at all. Instead, these young women would rather risk disease than have an argument or displease their boyfriends.

Society has bombarded girls with the idea that they should not only appear ready for sexual encounters but follow through at every whim. This generation is suffering the consequences of the ongoing sexual revolution. The motto: be available and deal with the consequences later.

More importantly, Planned Parenthood is far from a safe haven for these young women. Rather, it thrives on the low expectations society has for young people, that they aren't capable of self-control.

Really, what would be so wrong with a little self-control? Are we worried our youth might actually have more respect for themselves and each other?

Jen Antonini
