Complaint over Kasich cuts wrong


I disagree with Blade Editor David Kushma's complaint that the Kasich administration's budget "slashes state aid to essential public services on which Ohioans depend -- education, public safety, social programs -- in order further to enrich millionaires, large businesses, privately operated schools, and other Republican-favored special interests" ("Kasich fights a revolution -- for the favored," op-ed column, July 10).

Where in the state Constitution does it say the government can give my money to someone else by means of educating their child or buying them food via social programs?

As far as giving tax breaks to "millionaires, large businesses, privately operated schools," it is not taking money out of someone's pocket to do that. Tax breaks help make jobs.

Ryan Hufford

111th Street


The 'favored' have work ethic

Mr. Kushma states Gov. John Kasich is fighting a revolution for the "favored." I would love to have him define who the "favored" are, and how they got that way.

If Mr. Kushma is referring to wealthy people, the ones that I know worked long hours and took significant financial and personal risks. Perhaps what Mr. Kushma meant to say is that Governor Kasich is fighting for those who were fortunate enough to have inherited a great work ethic.

Try not to worry about Governor Kasich fighting for the "favored." On a national level we have an administration that is working hard to make sure that every American joins the ranks of the "un-favored."

America works best when we are proud of those people at every income level who put in the extra effort in school, and who work hard, take risks, and succeed.

John F. Weber



GOP should focus on the economy

When are these right wingers, Republicans, Tea Partiers or whatever they want to be called going to stop their insanity and help get this country moving forward ("Debt-limit talks testy as deadline closes in," July 12)? The country's problems are the result of actions by presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush.

Now we have President Obama, who these right-wingers hate. He is trying to get the economy moving forward and to protect the middle class. Now he has to deal with Republicans putting up road blocks.

Republicans need to realize that while they try to ruin this country in the hope of making Mr. Obama a one-term president, the rest of us suffer.

We need to tell our representatives in Congress to get down to the business they were elected to do.

Andrew Myers



Drop foreign aid until we're OK

Here's how to solve the budget crisis:

No more monetary handouts to any foreign country until we get our country in order. All federal employees from janitors to the President must have the same benefits as the average private-sector employee.

Go to a flat tax. Outlaw all lobbying. All elected officials' expenses must be no more than 10 percent of their pay.

Tim Startzman



Rich get richer? That's unfair

The Republicans want to keep the tax cut for the rich and reduce Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Is that fair? No.

Roland Scharer
