Ohio's executions inhumane


How ironic that in the only culturally advanced nation that murders its prisoners, Ohio cannot manage to follow the procedures intended to accomplish it efficiently ("Executing the law," editorial, July 19). Is an "eye for an eye" a mark of civilization?

One might conclude that it is wiser -- and cheaper -- to concur with all other civilized nations that believe it is more humane to keep the condemned locked up for life.

Martha Baldoni



Borders' closing a disappointment

I was disappointed to read that Borders Group is seeking court approval to liquidate its stores, including the one in Toledo ("Borders Group asks OK for liquidation," July 19).

Borders has been a valuable multimedia asset and social venue for Toledo and other communities. The employees have been friendly, professional, and helpful. Now, thousands nationwide will be unemployed. It's a shame something could not be done to avert this bankruptcy.

Thomas J. Ferris

London Ridge Court


Ad brings to mind U.S. flag etiquette

I recently received a publication that had an ad for a plaque honoring the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. The ad shows the World Trade Center towers wrapped in the U.S. flag. I don't have a problem with people remembering 9/11, but I believe it wrongly uses the flag.

Every American should be required to know some of the rules for handling the American flag. The flag should never be used as part of clothing or bedding, bunched up into rosettes, cover a ceiling, nor wrapped around anything as a gift. It should not touch the ground or water.

To display the flag in any other manner is an insult to my brother, uncles, and all the other brothers, uncles, and aunts who have served and died for it.

Chester L. King, Jr.

Percentum Road


Freeze spending, create flat tax

If members of Congress want to reduce debt, they should freeze all spending for years, and install a flat-tax system for everyone, no matter what their income is ("Reagan raised tax rates, lauded compromise in '82," July 17).

And they should change the corporate tax laws that create the so-called loopholes for certain industries and companies.

One thing President Obama has correct: We are all in this together.

Bernie Huntebrinker



OSU, job stories' placement rapped

I agree with the writer of the July 16 Readers' Forum letter "OSU, job stories in wrong places." It would be nice if The Blade would get its priorities straight.

Deb Beldon

Starr Avenue


South Sudan indeed a priority

The writer of the July 14 Readers' Forum letter "Aid South Sudan? Help U.S. instead" questions U.S. support of South Sudan when millions of Americans are jobless and our nation is about to default on our national debt. But the writer and others should realize that we Americans cannot tolerate genocide anywhere.

Recent satellite evidence shows mass graves in the South Kondofan region where the Sudanese Arab military is targeting the Nuba minority that is loyal to the newly established South Sudan.

The creation of South Sudan follows decades of on-again, off-again civil war. If the letter writer thinks that we can put a price on the lives of any people, he is out of touch with what our nation stands for.

Jessie Duke

Washington Street