Cedar Fair is fair with premium


The premise of your Aug. 14 editorial "Cedar unfair?" was comical. There is nothing new about, or inherently wrong with, businesses offering premium service for a premium price.

Pay extra to fly first class and you'll board the flight early, have a better seat, and enjoy complimentary cocktails. Want front-row seats and the opportunity to meet your favorite recording artist backstage? Pony up for the VIP package available at almost every concert.

Cedar Fair is fairly offering the opportunity to purchase a premium package, and in the process looking for additional revenue to run the best park in the world.

Capitalism. What a concept.

Jeff Keim

Obama acting like a candidate

Is he still President Obama or presidential candidate Obama ("Bus tour travels across Midwest; Obama calls on heartland for ideas on job creation," Aug. 17)? Lately he's been acting as if he's on the campaign trail more than actually being the President.

Tom West
Sylvania Township

Time to elect a 3rd-party president

While they jockeyed and jostled to be among the front- runners in Iowa, none of the GOP hopefuls offered any practical or plausible solutions to the country's financial quagmire ("Bachmann wins Iowa straw poll," Aug. 14).

Tim Pawlenty, who finished third in the straw poll and has quit the race, said the GOP is going to have a good nominee who is going to beat President Obama. Everyone else pretty much echoed that sentiment. I wonder whether the Republican vision of restoring American glory hinges solely on defeating President Obama.

The evangelical message of Gov. Rick Perry of Texas sounds familiar and ominous. We remember the last Texan who took charge of the country. George W. Bush used his evangelical mantra to squander American resources on two unnecessary wars, with no end in sight.

In a year's time, we will be presented with a unique option to wrest our country from the clutches of hubristic, selfish, and egotistical politicans. Let us unite to elect a third-party president who honestly embodies the vision of the proud democracy that we once were. The Tea Party is not that alternative.

Abdul-Majeed Azad

Car dealer's ads disrespectful

A local dealer of foreign vehicles is airing television and radio ads in which the immitated voice of President Obama implies he is incapable of discerning the difference between the Oval Office's ceiling and the debt ceiling.

This portrayal is offensive and shameful.

This dealer has used voice imitators to mock presidents to promote the sale of an automobile brand that is subsidized by the government of South Korea. Those ads were disrespectful, tasteless, and occasionally crude.

Douglas Benedick