Letters to the Editor

Mandate threatens Constitution


The issue of contraception has nothing to do with women's health. It has to do with the Constitution ("Obama plan balances religious values and public welfare," op-ed column, Feb. 18).

Women can pay for contraceptives if they have a job. If they can't afford birth control, there is Planned Parenthood. Any responsible woman will take the steps she needs to.

What other constitutional violations will happen with another four years of President Obama? If insurance companies have to pay for this mandate, who do you think will end up paying for it?

It's time people quit asking for handouts. Free is nice, but someone ends up paying.

Debra Beldon

Starr Avenue

Bishops need to address other woes

Catholic bishops are playing politics with the health-care issue, favoring causes championed by the Republican Party ("Obama's 'accommodation' on contraception is no such thing," op-ed column, Feb. 16).

I have no doubt Bishop Leonard Blair of the Toledo Diocese is a good man who tries to be a good leader. I draw a parallel between his stand on the health-care issue and the refusal by people to pay taxes that they know would go toward funding an unjustifiable war.

I hope this strong stand by the Church signals a willingness to confront other issues of importance, such as opposition to unjust war and to capital punishment, as well as support for universal health care and protection of the environment.

Rather than taking a cafeteria-type approach, I hope the bishops will choose a consistent ethic of life.

Bob Pacer

Delta, Ohio

There's no defense for defense law

Our Founding Fathers must be turning over in their graves ("Defense act spoils climate of trust," Readers' Forum, Feb. 8). How many conflicts has this country fought to obtain freedom? Now a bunch of nitwits pass the National Defense Authorization Act.

All this is in the guise of national security. If lawmakers take rights away from one person for no good reason, they take all of our rights. No warrant? No jury? No habeas corpus? No Constitution.

Every American should be outraged. Whoever voted for this should be voted out of office.

Robert Houser

Providence Township

Writer wrong, 'pit bull' praised

The writer of the Feb. 21 Readers' Forum letter "'Pit bulls' continue to pose dangers" must be a friend or relative of Tom Skeldon. Thank God Mr. Skeldon is out of office as Lucas County dog warden.

The writer makes statements that are wrong. I have owned a "pit bull" for the past 15 years. My "pit bull" has never bitten or knocked anyone down, or made people get out of his way.

When the letter writer says "pit bull" owners like power and intimidation when they walk their dogs, he is wrong.

I have always been proud of my "pit bull." We go to the Norwalk Reservoir every day. I have had a lot of good words said about him.

Ed Coon

Norwalk, Ohio