Traffic-stop comment off base


Your July 10 editorial "Hidden Guns" mentioned a concealed-carry handgun permit from Florida obtained by an Ohio resident who is not in the Ohio database as a permit holder.

You quoted Maj. Ronald Keel of the Lucas County Sheriff's Department as saying that lack of knowledge of who has a concealed-carry permit makes traffic stops more dangerous for law-enforcement officers. That implies that a permit holder is more of a threat to law enforcement than a nonpermit holder.

Approaching a law-abiding citizen who has had a background check, has been fingerprinted, and has completed a 12-hour gun-training course is less of a threat than approaching an unknown person who may be a criminal, may have had no formal weapon training, may be carrying a weapon, and may pull it on the officer.

The person mentioned in the editorial may not have participated in a gun-training course if he secured his permit from Florida. But the fact that he went through a process to get the permit makes him more responsible and less of a threat. Criminals don't go through that process.

Larry Gillen



License, ID stands are conflicting

The Blade's opinion on our rights flip-flops, depending on which rights we are exercising. In the editorial "Hidden guns," you state that Ohio residents who want to exercise their right to carry a gun should have to obtain a license from Ohio and go through training and a test.

In the July 11 editorial "Common-sense vetoes," you seem upset that voters would have to show photo identification to vote.

So you want me to take a course, pass a test, and get a state-issued ID to exercise my right to carry a gun, but you are comfortable with letting almost anyone who can stumble into a polling place exercise the right to determine the future course of our democracy.

John Weber

Fulton Township


Radio stations no longer local?

I agree with the writer of the July 13 Readers' Forum letter "Details of storm not disseminated" about a lack of information on radio.

I too searched every local station. Then it hit me: Aren't the primary local radio stations owned by out-of-town companies? Those who would report on conditions are perhaps hundreds of miles away.

David Georgia

Briarwood Lane


Private sector to the rescue

To those who agree with the writer of the July 13 Readers' Forum letter "Where were FEMA, National Guard?" about the recent storm and power outages, look at the bright side: It's an example of less government and letting the private sector handle the job.

Bob Seybold

Berkeley Drive