Can nation afford to compete less?


President Obama inherited an economy that was in dire straits. He is seeking re-election to complete his economic reforms. Are his reforms likely to increase or decrease our nation's prosperity?

An answer can be found in the annual Global Competitiveness Report published by the World Economic Forum, based in Switzerland. This survey rates the relative economic competitiveness of nations. Traditionally, the United States has ranked first or second.

Under President Obama, the ranking of U.S. competitiveness has declined each year that he has been in office. The United States ranked seventh globally in the 2011 report.

Can we afford another four years of significant decline in global competitiveness under President Obama?

Douglas Oliver
Shakespeare Lane

Four more years, Obama will fix all

We are better off today than we were four years ago. President George W. Bush and his Republican-controlled Congress took us into a deep recession. Now, Republicans are scooping up Bush-era tax breaks for the rich and not creating jobs.

Those who want to be poor should keep voting Republican. Another four years with Mr. Obama, and we'll be out of this recession.

Andrew Feyes

Lincoln's advice applicable today

Abraham Lincoln is credited with saying that you don't change horses in midstream. His suggestion was that America should not change leaders in time of crisis.

Mr. Lincoln's words are as valuable now as they were in his time. Given another term and with a strong will, Mr. Lincoln delivered a better nation. Given a second term, President Obama can do the same.

Bart Dugan
Burningtree Drive

Obama not acting like top commander

President Obama and his administration have continuously politicized the death of Osama bin Laden. This threatens the safety of our intelligence sources and military personnel.

Giving away operational security is irresponsible. President Obama may be the commander in chief, but he doesn't act like one.

John Wieck
Pinestead Drive

Obama blazes presidential path

The 2012 Democratic National Convention crystallized the choice in this election between two different paths for our country.

One path restores economic security by rebuilding our economy from the middle out, not the top down. The other would bring back the same failed policies that crashed the economy and reward the wealthy at the expense of the middle class.

President Obama is working to create an economy that's built to last, and has laid the foundation for that.

Mitt Romney would take us back to the same failed policies that punish the middle class.

President Obama will lead us to a better future.

Kurt Young
23rd Street