Teamwork lacked at UTMC


After read­ing about the kid­ney de­ba­cle at the Univer­sity of Toledo Med­i­cal Center, I get the im­pres­sion that the dis­posal of a vi­a­ble kid­ney was not an ac­ci­dent but pure neg­li­gence on the part of the nurses, doc­tors, other op­er­at­ing-room staff, and man­age­ment (“Dis­posal of kid­ney bag de­scribed; Nurse, UTMC pol­i­cies get blame in botched sur­gery,” Sept. 25).

The blame goes all the way up to top of­fi­cials, whose job it is to make sure pol­i­cies and pro­ce­dures are in place to safe­guard such er­rors and that they are con­sis­tently fol­lowed.

It ap­pears that the “op­er­at­ing team” was not a team at all, but a group of in­di­vid­u­als do­ing his or her own thing dis­re­gard­ing the pa­tient from whom the kid­ney was re­moved and the pa­tient await­ing the kid­ney. 

No amount of apol­o­gies or money will ever make up for such neg­li­gence.



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Sur­geon to blame, not the nurses

Why are the nurses pun­ished for the kid­ney mis­hap? If any­one is to blame, it should be the sur­geon.

Nurses only do what is ex­pected of them. 

These nurses are pawns; I hope they get their jobs back.


Ne­braska Avenue

Sun­day events sup­plant wor­ship

As a li­censed min­is­ter in the Evan­gel­i­cal Lu­theran Church in Amer­ica, I won­der why events start Sun­day morn­ing and take peo­ple away from church.

Events such as the 19th An­nual Komen North­west Ohio Race for the Cure on Sept. 30 and sport­ing events make par­ents choose be­tween God and that event. 

Why can’t the start time be 12:30 p.m. or 1 p.m. Sun­day? 

I am not against sports or events on Sun­day, just give Sun­day morn­ing back to God.



Je­sus ‘wife’ is­sue fails Scrip­ture

In re­sponse to your Sept. 19 ar­ti­cle “Faded scrap of text men­tions Je­sus’” wife; Scholar be­lieves pa­py­rus piece gen­u­ine”: This Cop­tic writ­ing was done 400 years af­ter Je­sus. 

Ac­cepted Scrip­ture is from the 1st cen­tury.

Je­sus and Mary were com­mon names. 

It is pos­si­ble there was a Je­sus mar­ried to a Mary. How­ever, it was not Je­sus of Naza­reth.

