Conservancy backs Metroparks levy


For many years, The Nature Conservancy has partnered with Metroparks of the Toledo Area to preserve Oak Openings, a landscape of oak savanna and wet prairie that helps define northwest Ohio (“Yes to Metroparks,” Oct. 11).

We in the Conservancy have experienced firsthand how Metroparks has consistently provided safe and high-quality open space for county residents.

That's why the Conservancy urges Lucas County voters to support Issue 21, a 0.9-mill levy for the Metroparks, this fall.

Issue 21 will give the Metroparks adequate resources to meet the public's need for open space and parkland, invest in the safety and quality of the parks, continue to provide educational programs for families and children, and maintain trails, restrooms, and shelters at the level that Toledo-area residents expect.

The levy also will support the development of Middlegrounds, Toledo's first downtown Metropark. The project will allow those who live in the city, especially those with limited transportation options, to experience more easily the many benefits of nature.

Issue 21 is good for parks and good for people.


Executive Director

The Nature Conservancy

Dublin, Ohio