McGovern’s passing mourned


My sin­cere thanks for your cov­er­age of the pass­ing of George McGovern, a true Amer­i­can hero, in your Oct. 23 ed­i­to­rial “Legacy of De­cency.”

Those who had the good for­tune to meet Mr. McGovern in his many vis­its to Toledo, as I did, would agree, as you wrote: “‘His fair­ness, com­pas­sion, ci­vil­ity, and work as a hu­man­i­tar­ian — not a failed pres­i­den­tial run — con­sti­tute his en­dur­ing leg­acy.”

It has been my hope that we would find more po­lit­i­cal lead­ers with his good qual­i­ties, but our most re­cent po­lit­i­cal cam­paigns have not been en­cour­ag­ing. None­the­less, I be­lieve he would dis­cour­age us from los­ing hope that the es­sen­tial Amer­ica and its lib­eral tra­di­tion will pre­vail.


Sher­brooke Road


Submit a letter to the editor


Coven ar­ti­cle an of­fense to faith

How could you pos­si­bly de­clare that Hal­low­een is a re­li­gious hol­i­day (“Coven to mark Sam­hain with lo­cal witches ball,” For Wic­cans, Oct. 31 launches new year,” Oct. 27)? Cov­ens, Wic­cans, and witches wor­ship Satan. If you wanted to run this ar­ti­cle, couldn’t you have put it some­where other than the Reli­gion page?

That ar­ti­cle likely of­fended peo­ple who are Cath­o­lic, Islamic, Bud­dhist, Prot­es­tant, and the like. I am so tired of your lib­eral and bi­ased ar­ti­cles that I will be can­cel­ing my sub­scrip­tion. I pray other peo­ple of faith will do the same.




Job out­sourc­ing hurts Amer­ica

China’s econ­omy is grow­ing be­cause Amer­i­can cor­po­ra­tions are ei­ther re­lo­cating to China be­cause of busi­ness op­por­tu­ni­ties or ship­ping their man­u­fac­tur­ing jobs there be­cause of cheap la­bor.

Amer­i­cans should un­der­stand that it is the Amer­i­can cor­po­ra­tions sup­ported by con­gres­sio­nal Re­pub­li­cans who are re­spon­si­ble for the trans­fer of Amer­i­can jobs to these for­eign coun­tries.

Amer­ica was a “corpoc­racy” in­stead of a de­moc­racy long be­fore the U.S. Supreme Court de­cided that cor­po­ra­tions were in­di­vid­u­als and could do any­thing that in­di­vid­u­als could do.

Amer­i­cans should start read­ing news­pa­pers and lis­ten­ing to un­bi­ased broad­casts so that they can be in­formed of this re­al­ity.


Ot­tawa Hills

Edi­tor’s note: The writer is a re­tired Ohio Supreme Court justice.


Thanks to those who do­nate food

There are some places that do­nate un­used food at the end of the busi­ness day to feed-the-poor out­reach pro­grams. That food fills many stom­achs that oth­er­wise would go empty.

Why would any­one throw away good food rather than help feed the hun­gry? Some pro­grams would come to your door and pick up this food if it were do­nated. How does any­one throw away food day af­ter day into the Dump­ster and still sleep at night? The hun­gry would haunt my dreams.


129th Street