Verdict weighs on clinics


Your reaction to the Dr. Kermit Gosnell verdict was predictable: the tired “extremist” label and the usual “back alley abortion” imagery (“Flawed symbol,” editorial, May 16).

You missed the point: The whole abortion industry was on trial, not just Gosnell. What really happens should be plain to all: Dismemberment and death.

Because the murdered babies were killed outside their mothers’ wombs, they were judged to have been persons who had been denied their constitutional right to life. But why should location define murder? What is the essential difference between those human beings and the human beings who are killed in utero?

No matter how clean and antiseptic and legal the death they dispense, abortion clinics are the real houses of horror.


Monclova Township


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Constitutional right is illogical

Your editorial on May 16 is built on flawed logic. In the wake of the horrific Kermit Gosnell trial, you opined that an abortion is an exercise of a “constitutional right.”

The Constitution was born from wisdom and intellect, guided by godliness. To extrapolate that the right to an abortion is a constitutional right is illogical.




Moore schools should’ve closed

Why were schools in Moore, Okla., open the day of the tornado (“Huge tornado kills dozens, levels schools in Oklahoma,” May 21)? Forecasters gave warnings that serious storms were on the way.

It’s as though nothing was learned from the May 3 1999, tornado that hit that town with 300-mph winds. At the very least, storm shelters should have been on the school site.

The resulting fatalities could have been avoided with a little common sense. The expense? It doesn’t matter if lives are saved.




Story on family heartwarming

What a great story on Tammy McKittrick and her children, Shawn and Shanice (“Portrait of achievement; Toledo family stays the course to earn hard-won degrees,” May 17). They proved that going to classes, studying, and hard work pay off.

This was an excellent way to balance the news. Great picture, great family, great story.


Springfield Township