Benghazi details need to surface


Four Americans were murdered at the Benghazi, Libya, consulate last fall, yet the Obama Administration denied it was a terrorist attack and instead blamed the violence on an anti-Islam video (“War on terror isn’t over just because Obama says so,” op-ed column, May 30).

The White House still has not provided a satisfactory explanation of events. The circus of finger-pointing amid congressional investigations has fueled the fire of a major Obama scandal.

Attacks on our embassies and consulates on foreign soil are the same as direct attacks on the United States, and demand a quick and decisive response.

It is the responsibility of the media to demand a full explanation from the White House, State Department, and other agencies involved about their actions. The families of the slain Americans deserve nothing less.


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Obama’s speech drones on ears
President Obama’s recent speech on terrorism was a drone attack on American ears (“Time to shift terror war,” Obama says,” May 24). In a feeble attempt to hide from his current scandals, he acted like a cat in a litter box trying to cover up his mess.

I never thought we could find another president with less character than Bill Clinton, but Mr. Obama is that man.

Highland Green Drive


Public-sector benefits generous
In response to your May 24 article “IRS puts key official on leave in Tea Party targeting scandal”: When I was part of the private-sector work force, the only thing we had that would come close to the term “paid administrative leave” was vacation pay.

The people who supposedly serve the public have more employment privileges and rights then the public they serve.



Why is Obama blamed for woes?
First it was health care. Now it’s gun control, Cabinet appointments, the Internal Revenue Service, and Benghazi. What will lawmakers and the public blame President Obama for next?

Why wasn’t bipartisanship a problem when Ronald Reagan was president and liberals questioned his actions?

21st Street