Letters to the Editor

Let’s work together to fight racism


Kudos to those responsible for planning the Sept. 12 community forum on racism at the Woodward High School auditorium (“Forum calls for action on race issues, diversity,” Sept. 13).

The guest speaker, Tim Wise, and the panelists presented a vibrant discussion on a subject that many persons would just like to dry up and disappear. I was heartened by the standing-room-only crowd, their energy, and their attentiveness.

I left wanting to join with others over the next few months to see whether some concrete programs can be initiated in the Toledo community that would develop a groundswell of support within our schools, our civic organizations, and our churches to unite to tackle this issue. Within 24 hours, I had touched base with fellow former mayors Donna Owens and Jack Ford. Both of them expressed an interest in further developing an agenda to educate and sensitize Toledoans, and work to eliminate unacceptable prejudice that exists not only in our community, but in many others as well.

Please let us know how we can join The Blade and Toledo Community Foundation in advancing beyond this initial presentation. Without content implementation, racism will continue, when it should be snuffed out as early as possible.


Townley Road

Editor’s note: Mr. Finkbeiner is a former mayor of Toledo.