Philanthropic youths keen on community


In response to the Dec. 19 Reader’s Forum letter “Here’s a new take on fund-raising”: Youth in Philanthropy Encouraging Excellence (YIPEE) is composed of Toledo’s most dedicated youths and is driven to improve the community through philanthropy.

Our approach to philanthropy includes not only asking but also working for donations, as the letter writer suggests.

A large percentage of our funds come from various service projects, including snow shoveling, Christmas caroling, washing cars, and raking leaves. We often go door-to-door to complete these tasks and ask for suggested donations, leaving the amount up to the individual donor.

We realize that many youths in the Toledo region are not involved in activities such as these. But we are working to make it possible for students to realize their potential while working for money. That money, at the end of the school year, goes to other youth-serving nonprofit organizations in northwest Ohio.

If anyone needs house work in exchange for donations and is willing to support a local nonprofit organization, we will be happy to oblige.

YIPEE is sponsored by Toledo Community Foundation and facilitated by Leadership Toledo. More information is available at leadershiptoledo.org.

There are youths in Toledo who are willing to make a difference and do something productive.


President Youth in Philanthropy Encouraging Excellence Adams Street