To the editor: Chicago ditch a pathway for Asian carp


The Dec. 1 editorial on Asian carp has an easy solution: Close the Chicago sewage ditch (”Get moving on carp shield”).

This ditch-turned-canal was dug at the beginning of this century to relieve Chicago’s sewage problem, which was occurring at the South end of lake Michigan. This is a direct path into the Great Lakes and a pathway for the carp. 

Paid for with taxpayer money, the corrupt politicians in Illinois are calling this a commerce route. By shutting this down, two problems are cured. No pathway for carp and no sewage for the Mississippi.



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Corporations more valued than people

In 2010, the Supreme Court decided, in Citizens United vs. FEC, that corporations were people and therefore allowed to express free speech via large campaign donations.

If the Tax Reform Act is passed, corporations will be receiving better tax treatment than “real” people — their tax breaks are larger and don’t expire in 10 years. 


Oak Harbor, Ohio

Kapszukiewicz stuck with payback

Toledo City Council approved a collective bargaining agreement with American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees Local 7 on Nov. 28. 

Mayor Paula Hicks-Hudson was asked if the new contract was payback for Local 7’s support for her in the mayor’s race. The mayor said no. The mayor, however, didn’t answer why the contract was being rushed through council for approval.

Mayor-elect Wade Kapszukiewicz never challenged the increase in the contract, even though 100 percent of it will affect his term.



City, county not adept at real estate

The City of Toledo bought Southwyck more than three years ago, with the promise that it would resell within six months. It continues to sit idle. 

The city bought Textileather property, with the promise that Jeep would buy it. It sits idle.

Now, Lucas County wants to finance a hotel downtown by using the good credit of the citizens of Lucas County. No financial institution would touch such a risky project in which the eventual owner puts up so little capital. 

If it does not work, this owner walks away and the citizens are left holding a failed property on which we owe up to $30 million.

Leave property development to the private sector. They are much better judges of chances of success.


Ottawa Hills

Is it so hard not to harass women?

I would like to know how many times a politician or anybody else can say they are sorry for touching or forcing themselves on a woman. It’s like they believe that all they have to do is say, “I’m sorry.”

Why can’t people just say hello to the opposite sex?

Now, politicians are using taxpayer money to pay these women off. A politician who behaves badly and harasses or assaults a woman should get kicked out of office and not get any retirement money or free medical.

Maybe the next politician will see what happens and will keep his hands to himself and his mouth shut.

