Red Rib­bon eventsset at ju­nior high


Bed­ford Junior High School will ob­serve Red Rib­bon Week Oct. 22 to 26 and has sev­eral ac­tiv­i­ties planned to en­cour­age stu­dents to be drug and al­co­hol-free.

It kicks off Mon­day with Pa­jama Day: stu­dents wear pa­ja­mas to show their com­mit­ment to stay­ing clean and so­ber. A pa­per chain will be strung to­gether and dis­played.

On Tues­day, the theme is “Team Up Against Drugs.” Stu­dents will wear a shirt rep­re­sent­ing a fa­vor­ite sports team. Wed­nes­day’s theme is “Turn Your Back on Drugs.” Stu­dents will wear clothes back­ward. A re­lay race dur­ing lunch is to show how drugs af­fect mo­tor abil­i­ties.

On Thurs­day, stu­dents will wear a cap to il­lus­trate “Put a Cap on Drugs.” On Fri­day stu­dents wear red as a call to ac­tion.

Stu­dents and fam­i­lies are in­vited to par­tic­i­pate in the week’s photo con­test called “The Best Me Is Drug Free.” Enter by dec­o­rat­ing homes and yards with anti-drug mes­sages, pho­to­graph the dec­o­ra­tions, and up­load pho­tos to re­drib­­test.

Friends and fam­ily can vote on the en­tries from Nov. 2 to 16. Win­ning en­trants will be el­i­gi­ble for a $1,000 prize for the school and an iPad for them­selves.