Feedback: June 8 column


Below are excerpts of e-mail responses to the June 8 “Twin Pack” questions (an abbreviated version of “Half a Six Pack” and “Six Pack to Go”). Each question has five responses from readers. (Sorry, but Russ serves as the “gatekeeper” — he determines the five answers to accompany each question.) In order to make this a reader-friendly feature, some lengthy answers submitted by readers may have been shortened.

1) Shouldn't the Lucas County Democratic Party be discouraging Jerry Springer from running for the Senate rather than inviting him to be the keynote speaker at Wednesday's meeting?

  • Yes. All Democrats should distance themselves from Jerry Springer. Given the Republican “talent” for running negative campaigns, the Democrats should realize that their opponents are salivating over a Springer candidacy.

  • No. Jerry Springer has the message we want in the Senate. He's not about rewarding the elite, but standing up for the rest of us. We don't want more tax cuts for the rich; instead, we want good schools and health care. I couldn't care less what those fundamentalist preachers say about Jerry, he'd do a lot better for the people than George Voinovich ever will.

  • Springer is a joke! The Dems have better wise up and look for a legitimate candidate.

  • If Jerry Springer is on the primary ballot, maybe it will stir the Democratic voters to come out and vote against him — and give someone else a push in the general election against George Voinovich.

  • Jerry Springer is an idiot! And if you follow that line of reasoning, the good people of Cincinnati must be idiots as well for electing him mayor once upon a time. (Hope my cousin down there doesn't see this!) It's just beyond me how anyone could possibly take this man seriously. Deliver a keynote address? Wonder if he can even spell the word.

    2) Shouldn't we at least start to think about holding President Bush's feet to the fire over our inability to account for Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, both of Saddam's sons, and Iraq's weapons of mass destruction?

  • Absolutely. While we all made jokes about Clinton's infidelity, at least when he lied about something, it didn't cost the lives of U.S. soldiers. I want to SEE proof that we have one of those men, dead or alive, or that Iraq really was making weapons.

  • I believe President Bush is the greatest leader since Ronald Reagan. He has changed the world. Taken as a whole, I do believe we should have discussion concerning who, and what, has not been found. But I fear all it will do is give the Bush haters and witch-hunters a chance to ridicule our leader at a time when he needs our support.

  • Good question. Yes, we should hold President Bush's feet to the fire. I am amazed that the media and American people don't ask more questions. Is fear of our government a fear factor here?

  • Feet are OK for Bush, but Rumsfeld should have a more important part of his anatomy singed.

  • Yes, especially the inability to find the weapons of mass destruction. I believe George Bush was determined to attack Iraq and used this as an excuse. He needs to be held accountable for the lives he has destroyed — those of our military personnel and Iraqi citizens — and the devastation he has caused. How can this man sleep at night?

  • On the media deregulation, it seems that the government is saying that monopoly is OK. We have anti-trust laws for a reason, and in the case of a news-media monopoly there would be more than just unfair business advantage. It could mean an interference in a fair discussion of issues.

  • How many television stations were there when you were a kid? Why do you claim to be pro-business when you obviously are not? Every week you write about how the government should regulate one thing or another. You believe in government control, not business. You believe the government is the solution to most things. The truth is, the government rarely understands the question. Admit you're a Communist. The truth will set you free!

  • We use “free market system” when we really mean “private market system.” The market stopped being “free” when laws were passed to stop the robber barons in their tracks. The market is still “private” — but parts of it are tightly controlled by federal, state, and local jurisdictions, and quasi-public or private entities. … On the media issue, the FCC was wrong, and both sides of the aisles on Capitol Hill will reverse the action.

  • My belief is that this country was built on the “free enterprise” system. Anything that causes danger to that system is bad, in my opinion. I want to be able to see “all” sides of a story — not just the “Murdoch” side, for example.

  • Well, as a businessman, I'm supposed to be on management's side. But in this case, I'm going to jump the fence. If, as Tip O'Neill said, “all politics is local,” then it makes sense to keep the vast majority of media ownership local. And this ruling would not do that.

  • The [June 8] story on Arrowhead Park points up the fact that city and county officials, the good old boys, sat on their duffs and let the city falter. Too complacent, self-satisfied, shortsighted, lazy, and blind.

  • I'm wondering why Hillary Clinton wrote a book. Was it just for the money, or just an ego trip? I don't care what the polls show — I think she would inflame all of the hate-mongering, anti-Clinton conservatives (if she ran for President). They will be working hard, as usual, with any Democratic candidate, so why play to their emotions? Winning is more important in 2004 than just proving a point.

  • On talk radio, the next weeks will be spent ripping Hillary. When does their hate of the Clintons become a sickness?

  • We're off to Indianapolis for my — gasp — 50th high school reunion. Good old Broad Ripple High. I'm beginning to have cold feet and mixed emotions about the whole thing, but we've committed monetarily, so guess we'll do it. I can remember my parents going to “their” 50th and me thinking what a bunch of old people there had to be at THAT affair! Now, it's my turn.

  • Love your columns. You do good stuff, my man!