Toledo man shot 
in robbery attempt


A robbery attempt Wednesday night resulted in the shooting of a southwest Toledo man at the mobile-home park where he lives, authorities said.

Aaron Vaughn, 33, was found with arm and chest wounds near his home in the complex at 3019 Nebraska Ave. following a 10:30 p.m. 911 call.

Information about his condition was unavailable from the hospital.

Police said his wounds were not life-threatening.

Witnesses told police Mr. Vaughn was accosted by two black men in their early 20s, and about 5 feet, 9 inches tall.

One of the assailants was of thin build and the other was heavier, about 250 pounds.

Both men wore bandannas over their faces.

The robbers, armed with handguns, kicked in a screen door and yelled, “Give it up!”

A fight between the victim and the assailants ensued, ending with the shooting, after which the assailants fled, police said.