Toledo council confirms Diggs' rehiring


Toledo City Council members today voted to confirm Police Chief Derrick Diggs after he was rehired to his post recently by Mayor Mike Bell.

Two councilmen, Joe McNamara and D. Michael Collins, voted against the confirmation, while the other 10 members voted for him.

Chief Diggs, 57, was quietly sworn in on March 25 as police chief by Mayor Bell four days after he officially retired.

The chief has been in charge of the department since October, 2011, but retired because he had reached the maximum number of years police officers and firefighters are allowed to remain in Ohio's Deferred Retirement Option Plan, or DROP. Mayor Bell agreed to rehire the chief for the same job.

Earlier today, Mayor Bell took some of his disputes with Toledo City Council public and urged the legislative body to stop stalling on three public safety ordinances, including the chief's confirmation.