Underground railroad station


The John King Farm in Delta, Ohio, is recognized by the U.S. Department of the Interior as a station on the underground railroad, the network used to get fugitive slaves from the South to safety and freedom in the North and in Canada.

Wednesday at 5 p.m., at Delta’s American Legion Post, 15939 State Rte. 109, an International Underground Railroad Memorial Dedication will unveil three markers about the Rev. William King and the King farm and family cemetery. Naomi Twining, a historian who is memorial coordinator for this project, said she has been researching the Kings’ underground railroad involvement for 10 years.

The story of the Rev. King, a 19th-century Presbyterian minister who brought 15 people from slavery in Louisiana to liberation on the King farm in 1848 before they moved on to a community that the Rev. King started in Canada, can be found in the book Look to the North Star, published in 1969 by former Blade reporter Victor Ullman.