Student of the Week: Jared Artz



Anthony Wayne High School


School subject: History

Extracurricular activity: Fishing

Hobbies: Video games

Car: Honda Civic

Store: Costco

Musical artist: Reliaent K

Movie: Toy Story 3

TV show: Chuck


Cafeteria food must-have: Tater tots

Last book read that wasn't required: In Search of Ethics by Len Marrella

Pet peeve: Slurping cereal

Person most admired: My father

Person I'd like to meet: Ronald Reagan

Items always in my locker: My calculator always has my back

First job: Mowing lawns

Top accomplishment: President of National Honor Society


After-graduation plans: Attend the United States Military Academy or Ohio State University with a bioengineering major and later medical school.

Career goal: To do the best I can in any field I enter and to eventually settle down and start a family of my own.

Quote from teacher: "Jared's work ethic is second to none," said Carol Rea, Mathematics teacher. "He is determined, hard-working, and pushes himself to do his very best. In addition to being a great student, he is a true gentleman.

-- Information is compiled for The Blade by the Lucas County Educational Service Center.