Seminar will focus on saving family memories


Guidance for families seeking to preserve family memories for future generations will be the goal of a seminar to be held tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. in the chapel at Lutheran Village at Wolf Creek, 2001 Perrysburg-Holland Road, in Springfield Township.

During the program, participants will be guided through a personal-memories workbook called Just a Few Memories to Share.

Questions in the book prompt the reader to write down memorable events and experiences from their lives.

The book can be filled out by the reader or used as a questions manual for those willing to interview relatives to record their memories.

This book is a way of capturing and recording authentic and loving family memories, a Wolf Creek statement said.

Learn how to build a legacy of the past for your family. Jog your memory, remember family and life events that may be forgotten.

At the event s conclusion, complimentary, unfilled copies of the book will be provided to all participants. There is no charge.