A true tale of urban gardening.


I want you to cast your mind back -- if you can -- to the 1970s, when, well, a lot of us engaged behavior about which some presidential candidates prevaricate. Yes, Virginia, some of us did inhale.

Yesterday's blog mentioned an urban guerrilla gardening movement in Great Britain. Folks went out in the dead of night and landscaped.

Well, my correspondent Dave had a jump on this green movement. It made me chuckle. Here's his tale:

Hey Jenni!

I've got a story for you!

May 1976......I'm getting transferred to an air base in Turkey.....

my roommate Brother and his best friend decide to hit the road

and settle where ever they found a job and/or ran out of money.

We leave Eastern Colorado.....it should be part of Kansas. We've

got 5 or 6 two pound coffee cans of pot seeds......you know......

from the 5 -finger $10 lids from Mexico.

WELL.....we decided to become "urban gardeners"!! We sowed

our seeds all over town. The best hedges that got watered.....

the motel in town that had an indoor tropical pool with vegetation....


Four months later I got a letter from a friend there that said the

cops were going absolutely nuts about all the marijuana that was

popping up around town.

Ah, youth and rebellion and silliness. Inhaling now is limited to actual air.

On another topic: I'm listening as my co-workers open their checks. Normally, this isn't audible. Today, it's accompanied by a murmer that comes from somewhere deep in the chest. The new paycheck reflects the significant pay cut we took in our recent contract negotiations. I'm not opening mine. I'm in a pretty good mood today. No point in poking myself with a sharp stick.