TV Networks Come Up With One More Reason to Love Your Library Card



6 AM

Yeah, I know: I predicted I wouldn't have enough time to post an entry since I'm outta town on assignment today, but I just can't help myself on this one.

Now, I know you've seen these "caveman" TV commercials for Geico. The only way you could have missed 'em is to have a broken TV. (OK, yes, you are correct: I'm disregarding entirely all the technology that lets us zap past commercials. But can we please just leave it this way for the sake of argument? I'm in a hurry...)

Anyway, so yeah, the Gieco cavemen.

Arresting ad campaign. What's not to love about kvetching cavemen? Once you catch a glimpse, it's hard to turn away. Not unless the house is in fire or one of the kids is bleeding (and even then, arterial blood only, please).

So should it be any surprise that the ad agency creative-type who came up with these characters had some luck shopping them around to networks for, yes, a sit-com?

This Wall Street Journal piece 'splains it all.

In the meantime, let us pray no twentysomething exec in ABC's entertainment division greenlights anything with that AFLAC duck...