Bid for rezoning Parkside complex moves forward


A rezoning application for renovation of the IRA apartment building at 1302 Parkside Blvd. advanced yesterday for a final vote by Toledo City Council.

Ronald Weaver of Detroit is seeking neighborhood mixed zoning for the 38-unit building at Dorr Street and Parkside. Council's zoning and planning committee reviewed the proposal yesterday.

The committee withheld a recommendation on the rezoning because of complaints by neighbors that they haven't been told how the developer plans to use commercial space on the ground floor.

Committee chairman Louis Escobar said the full council would vote on the rezoning May 7 if the developer and the neighbors have held a meeting.

The 1928 building has been vacant for about 10 years. Mr. Weaver said he plans to seek federal historic tax credits to help pay for the renovations, and said construction would take about one year.

Plans for the $3.9 million project call for 26 of the building's 38 units to be affordable housing. The other 12 would be priced at a fair market rate.