Sandusky County officials receive radiation report


CLYDE, Ohio — Families who are a part of eastern Sandusky County's mysterious childhood cancer cluster will soon get results of an Ohio Department of Health radiation study.

Mary Dennis, Sandusky County environmental health director, Thursday confirmed her office had received the state report, which examined background radiation levels in the air over the past several months, as well as radiation in school buildings in the Fremont and Clyde areas. A date for the briefing has not been established, she said. The meeting with parents, which is private, will be followed by one for the general public, she said.

In addition to recent monitoring, health officials reviewed records of past discharges by FirstEnergy's Davis-Besse nuclear plant in Oak Harbor, Ohio, plus historical data from various other industrial sources within 25 miles of Clyde.

An unusually high number of childhood cancers in eastern Sandusky County has led state health officials to define it as a cancer cluster. Officials believe an environmental trigger is behind it but have not been able to identify which one.