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CTY grand15p   The Blade/Lori King  12/15/2010  From left: Mary Hasenfratz, kindergartner Shaylie Lemons and Len Hasenfratz make a Christmas decoration together during grandparent's day at Grove Patterson Elementary in Toledo, Ohio. Mary and Len are the grandparents of Shaylie.
CTY grand15p The Blade/Lori King 12/15/2010 From left: Mary Hasenfratz, kindergartner Shaylie Lemons and Len Hasenfratz make a Christmas decoration together during grandparent's day at Grove Patterson Elementary in Toledo, Ohio. Mary and Len are the grandparents of Shaylie.

Mary Hasenfratz and her husband, Len, make Christmas decorations with their granddaughter Shaylie Lemons, a kindergartner at Grove Patterson Elementary School. Wednesday was Grandparents Day for youngsters who attend kindergarten and first grade at the school in West Toledo.