To the editor: Suburbs get to bail out Toledo again

The pumping station for the underground basin in the park. The station goes down 50 feet, and is capable of adding another pump if necessary.
The pumping station for the underground basin in the park. The station goes down 50 feet, and is capable of adding another pump if necessary.

The Nov. 11 editorial, “Progress on water authority,” highlights the agreement that is evolving between Toledo and its captive customers, but the editorial does not mention the underlying reason that it is coming to fruition at all.

Toledo managed the overhaul of the water treatment facility that resulted in a $188 million cost overrun, and ignored the issue of lead service lines.

Now suburban customers, who have already been paying more for water than Toledo residents, get the “opportunity” to pay even more to fix the infrastructure issues that Toledo has neglected for many decades.

Have any of the participants suggested future caps on sewer rates as part of the agreement? Our family gets service to our home in Perrysburg Township through an agreement with the city of Perrysburg. Last month, that service cost us $411 for two people.

Don’t allow this situation to occur in Lucas County.


Perrysburg Township

No more excuses about not giving

How inspiring to read The Blade’s Nov. 7 story, “Toledoans to match gifts for disaster relief.” 

What excuses will we use today?  We’ve already used: “I got my own concerns, what with green water, and food and medicine prices going up while my income stays the same.” A favorite excuse is that “I don’t know how to help.”

We can’t use that excuse anymore because Mark Makulinski and his wife will match every penny we send, and The Blade told us exactly where to send donations.



Column movingly honored veterans

The Nov. 5 column by David Shribman, “Some corner of a foreign field,” was moving.

I very seldom read an op-ed twice, but this one I did.

Thank you for giving such eloquent voice to the gratitude I feel for our country and its veterans.

