Cameras to hurt city's economy


Your Aug. 18 article "Speed cameras aid Toledo coffers" said that in July, the City of Toledo issued 14,061 traffic tickets at $120 each, which amounts to nearly $1.7 million. Most of those tickets were because of the new cameras.

If that's the case each month, the total fines for a year would be about $20.5 million. That money would be taken away from the Toledo economy.

More companies will go out of business, more abandoned and vacant buildings will need demolition, more jobs will be lost, more residents will need welfare benefits, and more working-class residents will move to the suburbs.

Are these tickets just another tax imposed on Toledoans without voter approval?

Duane Tillimon

West Alexis Road

Obama's ads bash instead of sell

In campaign advertisements from our President, the Democrat Party, and their supporters, one thing stands out: In any sales process, when you have nothing to offer and your past performance is dismal, you bash the competition to try to win the sale.

That type of salesmanship is never effective. Most customers -- voters -- will see through it.

We shouldn't be buying what the administration is selling, which is tremendous debt, higher taxes, and a bleaker future for us, our children, and our grandchildren. What happened to hope and change?

Tom McNutt

Monclova Township

Don't sling mud; be constructive

I am sick of the mudslinging in this presidential campaign. I want to hear what each candidate is going to do for our country.

If the candidates can't run on their own records, they should get out of the way and let someone more competent run the United States.

Doris Grajczyk

Reading, Mich.

Political ads muddy campaign waters

During the campaign season, truth in advertising goes by the wayside. The candidates are so busy firing nasty shots at each other that they seem to forget that voters want real information.

The political ads have been going on for too long. The American public is fed up months before Election Day.

Candidates should give us solutions, not promises.

Sharon Tipping

Ottawa Lake, Mich.

Enough of tasteless political ads

As a regular voter, I want good information in a timely manner as I prepare to go to the polls. That is not what is going on. We are inundated with tasteless political ads. Enough already.

How many people like me are muting political commercials or going to cable networks to escape this madness? I bet quite a few.

Mary Stroh

Springfield Township