Behind The Readers' Forum: TARTA buses remain empty


In this week’s edition of Behind The Readers’ Forum, The Blade welcomes letter writer Carl Happ to discuss his recent letter.

VIDEO: Carl Happ discusses TARTA
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Here is the text of Mr. Happ’s letter:

I continue to see large buses that are all but empty. It doesn’t seem like anything has been done about this since the levy loss. There seems to be some easy answers to the problem.

Obviously, large buses are needed during busy hours, morning, and late afternoon. Why not use small buses, vans, or some other smaller, more practical, more cost efficent type of vehicles during off times?

I understand empire building. More big buses and employees, the better for managements position and income, but this doesn’t work for the tax payers. Less big buses, less managers, less payroll, happier tax payers.


Each week The Blade’s editorial board will pick a “letter of the week,” and the writer will be asked to come to The Blade to be interviewed for our Behind the Readers’ Forum feature, which appears on and Blade NewsSlide.

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