Whitehouse board seeks winning designs


The Whitehouse Arts Advisory Board is looking for photographers — amateur or professional — to submit photos for its Design a Banner Contest. Contestants must live in the 43571 Zip Code. Photos should depict the photographer’s interpretation of life in Whitehouse. The winning entries will be placed on banners that will be displayed downtown this summer.

Four winners — including a grand prize — will be selected, one from each of three age divisions. Each winner will receive a banner after the public display is removed. The remaining banners will be auctioned. Proceeds of the auction will help pay for future art displays.

There is no entry fee. The deadline for submissions is June 1. Entry forms are available at the village hall, 6925 Providence St., by calling 419-877-5383, or by visiting whitehouseoh.gov.

The village also announces upcoming enrichment classes at the village hall that are free and open to the public:

■ Genealogy 101 at 6:30 p.m. May 19: Louann Artiaga will give instruction on tracing family roots.

■ Traffic Stops at 6 p.m. June 23: Whitehouse police will discuss traffic stops, what to do and not to do, and how speed radar equipment works.

■ Yoga at 6 p.m. July 14: Sheila Watson will teach a yoga class. Bring a mat or towel and wear comfortable clothing. Class size is limited to 25.

■ Understanding Bicycles at 6 p.m. Aug. 25: Dave Pickering from Cycle Werks will explain gearing use and conditions.

■ Identity Theft at 6 p.m. Sept 15: Whitehouse police will discuss what protective measures to take to protect your identity

Registration is required at the village hall.