11-12-13 is magnetic number for couples getting married

Minister busy at Lucas County Courthouse

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    Vivian Coleman and David Joshua, both of Toledo, were among 29 couples who tied the knot at the Lucas County Courthouse on Tuesday with the Rev. John Oliver performing the ceremony.

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  • Vivian Coleman and David Joshua, both of Toledo, were among 29 couples who tied the knot at the Lucas County Courthouse on Tuesday with the Rev. John Oliver performing the ceremony.
    Vivian Coleman and David Joshua, both of Toledo, were among 29 couples who tied the knot at the Lucas County Courthouse on Tuesday with the Rev. John Oliver performing the ceremony.

    A self-professed “numbers girl,” Katima Dickenson decided 11-12-13 was the perfect day to get married.

    The Ypsilanti Township, Michigan, woman and her fiancé, Mohamed Lamine Soumah, drove down to Toledo to get a marriage license and tie the knot at the Lucas County Courthouse on Tuesday.

    “I was born on 7-2-72,” Ms. Dickenson said as she and Mr. Soumah waited for their turn to get married. “I like numbers and things that have meaning.”

    The couple was one of 29 who chose the cold, snowy Tuesday to get married — keeping the Rev. John Oliver out of his chair on the first floor of the courthouse for much of the day.

    “The news done us a favor,” he said, referring to media reports that speculated the sequential date would be a popular one for weddings.

    On an average Tuesday, the Rev. Oliver said he might perform five weddings. Fridays tend to be the busiest day of the week for courthouse ministers.

    “Ten [weddings] is a good Friday,” he said.

    Ypsilanti, Mich., residents Mohammed Soumah and Katima Dickenson are wed by Rev. John Oliver at the Lucas County Courthouse
    Ypsilanti, Mich., residents Mohammed Soumah and Katima Dickenson are wed by Rev. John Oliver at the Lucas County Courthouse "I like numbers, and dates that have a meaning," Katima said.

    Ironically, not all of the 29 couples who married in the courthouse Tuesday came because of the date.

    Vivian Coleman and David Joshua of Toledo said they didn’t know of the date’s significance until they arrived at the courthouse where several people told them about it.

    “It’s going to be a good day,” Ms. Coleman said before exchanging vows with Mr. Joshua. “I’ve been hearing that all day.”

    Angela Reppenhagen of Fowlerville, Mich., was dressed in a sleeveless blue dress and sandals when she and Ryan Amell got married. Mr. Amell said they chose the date about three weeks ago, not realizing it would be such a popular wedding day — and not expecting it to be so cold either.

    James Kimes and Evie Sowards of Lincoln Park, Mich., said they were contemplating a Halloween wedding but decided to wait until 11-12-13. They were sporting matching white T-shirts — his with the word “groom” written in blood-dripping letters and hers with a similar “bride” across the front.

    “I love to be different,” said the new Mrs. Kimes.

    Contact Jennifer Feehan at: jfeehan@theblade.com or 419-213-2134.