Student of the week: Kurtis Pierce

Evergreen High School

Kurtis Pierce
Kurtis Pierce


School subject: Anatomy

Extracurricular activities: Vice president of class, president of foreign language club, wrestling, baseball, Student Council

Hobbies: Snowboarding, eating

Car: Chevy S10

Store: Dunham’s

Musical artist: Kid Cudi

Movie: Project X

TV show: South Park


Cafeteria food must-have: KFC Bowl

Last book read that wasn’t required: A Series of Unfortunate Events Book 1

Pet peeve: When people chew gum loudly.

Person most admired: My mom and dad

Person I’d like to meet: Shaun White

Items always in my locker: Practice clothes

First job: Bailing straw and hay

Top accomplishment: Keeping my GPA at or above a 4.0


After-graduation plans: Attend college to get a bachelor’s degree in nursing.

Career goal: Go to graduate school and receive a degree to become a nurse anesthetist.

Quote from teacher: “Kurtis is one of the brightest students that I have ever had the pleasure of working with,” said Brian Nagy, science teacher. “He is able to juggle the demands of a very full extracurricular schedule while still taking his academics very seriously. Kurtis exhibits a strong leadership quality throughout all that he does, whether it’s in the classroom, on the mat, or on the ball diamond. He personifies the true meaning of ‘scholar athlete.’ Kurtis is able to accept challenges and adversity with a strong sense of maturity and responsibility. He shows strong ability to interact with classmates and teachers on a personal level and is a vital asset to his school and community. Kurtis has developed very good problem-solving skills and is very thorough in all that he does, with a keen attention to detail. Kurtis is undoubtedly going to be very successful in whatever career path he chooses to pursue and his potential is limited only by his vision of the future.”

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.