Student of the week: Andrew Notario

Monroe High School

Andrew Notario
Andrew Notario


School subject: History

Extracurricular activity: Football

Hobbies: Working out

Car: 2003 Ford F-150

Musical artist: Florida Georgia Line

Movie: The Gangs of New York

TV show: Game of Thrones



Cafeteria food must-have: Calzone

Last book read that wasn't required: Game of Thrones

Pet peeve: Pen clicking

Person most admired: My dad

Items always in my locker: I do not have a locker

First job: Landscaping

Top accomplishment: Being a 3-year varsity football player



After-graduation plans: Go to college and major in special education or pre-law

Career goal: To become a special education teacher or a lawyer

Quote from teacher: "Andrew leads by example and treats everyone as he wants to be treated," said Anne Knabusch, Digital Multimedia instructor and Student Council Advisor. "The students we work with in Lauren Rhoades' ISD classroom adore Andrew. He has a genuine passion for having fun and working with friends who happen to have disabilities."

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.