Student of the Week: Samantha Baker

Penta Career Center

Samantha Baker
Samantha Baker


School Subject: Science

Extracurricular Activity: Playing strategic video games

Hobbies: Making hand-made crafts for the people I love

Car: Camaro

Store: Rue 21

Musical Artist: Daughtry, Skillet, and Flyleaf

Movie: Frozen, Rise of the Guardians, and Les Miserablés

TV Show: Castle, Supernatural, Bones, and Ghost Whisperer



Cafeteria Food Must Have: Mac and cheese or chicken bowl

Last Book Read That Wasn’t Required: Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

Pet Peeve: Liars, hypocrites and jerks

Person Most Admired: My dad

Person You’d Like To Meet: Jennifer Lawrence

Item Always In Your Locker: Gym shoes

First Job: McDonald’s



After Graduation Plans: I plan to get a part-time job as a pharmacy technician. I also plan to attend Bowling Green State University to study forensic science

Career Goal: I would like to become either a forensic chemist or pharmacist

Quote from teacher: “Samantha is a gifted student, both academically and intellectually,” said Daniel Weirich, supervisor of Student Services and Admissions. “She has excellent character traits which include a blend of humbleness and wisdom. She is always focused on learning. Samantha has a bright future.”

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.