Letters to the Editor

U.S. health programs save lives

The Toledo Symphony rehearses in the Peristyle at the Toledo Museum of Art.
The Toledo Symphony rehearses in the Peristyle at the Toledo Museum of Art.

Benjamin Franklin said: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Our leaders in Congress should consider this when they fund public health. It costs much less to prevent illness than to treat it.

Yet federal public health programs continue to be cut. These federal dollars help local health departments immunize children; reduce rates of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity; protect families from disasters and disease outbreaks, and keep our communities healthy.

Federal funds also help to prevent tobacco use. Ohio has the eighth highest rate of smoking in the nation, and ranks eighth nationally in the number of cancer deaths.

Continuing to make cuts to the Prevention and Public Health Fund and the budgets of the Centers for Disease Control and the Prevention and Health Resources and Services Administration hurts Ohioans and traps us in a spiral of constantly escalating health-care costs.

A strong public health system saves both lives and money by preventing serious illness. Please urge Ohio’s leaders in Congress to support these important programs.


PresidentAssociationOhio Public Health Columbus


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Dump Congress’ health care too

The grand old grumps of the Grand Old Party would be more persuasive in trying to defund Obamacare if they also defunded the health coverage the rest of us subsidize for them and their families to enjoy.

Instead, they feel entitled to perks that they have been unwilling to make available to all Americans. You call that leadership? You call that patriotic?

The same can be said for the Scroogelike move to cut off food stamps for 38 million Americans, lots of them with jobs that pay less than it takes to support them. More than half the beneficiaries of food assistance are children.

Perhaps the irony is that most of these parasites on the body politic call themselves Christians, forgetting the beatitudes and the damnation promised to those who do bad things to kids.


Lowe Road


Don’t shift money from turnpike

The Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission is going to spend $930 million on northern Ohio road projects that have nothing to do with the turnpike (“ODOT trims $100M from road projects; Turnpike will give $930M for work in northern Ohio,” Sept. 16). These funds are to come from borrowing money that will be backed by future turnpike toll collections. Why?

Ohio taxpayers were promised that when the turnpike’s construction debt was paid off, it would be a toll-free road. But the turnpike panel not only kept tolls after the debt was paid, it raised them, saying money was needed for maintenance and improvement.

Trucks and cars have moved off the turnpike onto side roads because of higher turnpike tolls. As a result, these side roads are deteriorating faster than they should. The commission should lower tolls, which may draw vehicles back to the turnpike.

The commission should make decisions that are related only to the turnpike.


Perrysburg Township


Cultural riches nice surprise

It is wonderful to see another Toledo Symphony season. The symphony and Toledo Museum of Art are huge, pleasant surprises for those of us who have lived in major metropolitan areas, and who must have substantial culture in our lives.

Parking is inexpensive. It is free if you are a Toledo museum member, and only $5 for concert-goers who are nonmembers.


Springfield Township


Driving too slow poses a hazard

I hope I am on a different road from Blade columnist Mary Alice Powell (“It’s time to slow down — behind the wheel, that is” Sept. 15). I can only imagine how many accidents your former food editor has left in her wake by driving 50 miles an hour in a 65 mph zone.

Slow drivers are dangerous on today’s highways. Not all elderly drivers are bad, but when you have to drive more slowly than the prevailing traffic, it may be time to hang it up.


South Watercrest Drive