Lawmakers need to cut emissions


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s latest regulations on new power plants are a small but important step in the right direction (“Climate for change,” editorial, Sept. 27).

You noted that the core argument “is between those who take climate change seriously and those who do not.” This is especially true in our political system. With signs of climate change all around us and warnings from scientists, it’s hard to believe that some of our policy makers are listening.

Superstorm Sandy, wildfires on the West Coast, and a drought in the Midwest threatened our safety and cost U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars last year. Yet some government officials continue to deny the existence of climate change.

The time has come to demand stronger action from our political leaders. They can help keep us and our children safe by supporting legislation that will reduce carbon pollution. The EPA’s new regulations will help, but aren’t enough.




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Fossil fuels notalways a bad thing

Your editorial focused on the evil American power supply: Down with coal, natural gas, and any fossil-fuel-related job in the country.

Those who oppose construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline in the United States should remember that Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is negotiating with China to accept Canadian tar-sands oil.

Would Americans prefer the refining of this oil in China, or under the regulation of our Environmental Protection Agency?


Waterville Township


Education key to good local future

Two education issues will affect northwest Ohio for years to come unless we take action now. The first is the low rating of Toledo Public Schools on its most recent state report card. The second is that fewer students are enrolling at area colleges and universities (“Local college enrollment down,” Sept. 4).

I thought that candidates for mayor of Toledo would have talked about how a better educated work force is needed for long-term job growth in northwest Ohio.

If we truly care about the future of this region, we must fight for high-quality education so we can compete in the national and global economy.


Springfield Township


Surgery better, but what of costs?

Your Sept. 9 article “Go-go gadgets; New generation of implants adds mileage to worn-out knees” was informative. I am surprised by the range of improvements made in knee surgery.

Still, I wished you could have listed the costs, which are an important part of any medical procedure.

