GOP can’t accept Obamacare


Columnist Eugene Robinson’s smarmy advice to Republicans is lame (“Note to GOP: Obamacare’s here; accept it,” op-ed column, Oct. 9). If that same “accept it” advice had been followed by past political leaders, we still would still have slavery, Prohibition would still be in place, and women’s suffrage would not exist.

The Affordable Care Act is bad legislation. What is needed is a program that will provide medical care to the needy and limit medical costs so medical insurance is affordable for all others.

Obamacare is one of those tremendously expensive, all-inclusive programs favored by the big-government crowd.

As for Republicans acting as obstructionists, that is part of checks and balances in the federal government. Maybe their actions will wake up the majority, who blindly voted for this questionable legislation.

Monclova Township

Honor Flight vets not to be pawns
The Blade provided great coverage of the recent Honor Flight of Northwest Ohio (“Federal squabbling can’t stop local Honor Flight vets; Congressmen assist with tours of war memorial,” Oct. 10). I was a veteran on a 2012 flight.

Regardless of political party affiliation and the blame game, I am disgusted with White House shenanigans that use veterans as political pawns. They are backfiring.

Perrysburg Township


Veterans should get to memorials
When the government closes open-air memorials, it has gone too far. Veterans want to go to Washington to see the monuments that they and their friends who did not return earned with their blood, sweat, and tears.

I am a wounded Vietnam war veteran. The government should not dishonor those who made the ultimate sacrifice and those of us who still carry scars, physically or mentally.

This shutdown is purely political. Shame on lawmakers.



Make 'Obamacare' equal for all
The Obama Administration awarded big business a delay in the Affordable Care Act. Congress was given a special exemption from the law’s provisions. It’s time for equality under the law.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is refusing to negotiate with House Republicans. Mr. Reid cares more about preserving President Obama’s legacy than protecting the American people.

Talmadge Road