Germany is to be emulated


Op-ed columnist Paul Krugman, The Blade’s money supply guru, has reached a new level of drivel (“Depressingly, Germany keeps running trade surpluses,”Nov. 11).

Germany has persuaded its unions to show restraint. It makes worthwhile products, even though it has a small fraction of the natural resources available in the United States.

Perhaps we should send a group of government experts from Detroit, combined with the money supply fools picked by our President, to see how a well-run economy is done.


Woodville, Ohio


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Death mistake took months to fix

In response to your Nov. 4 article “Death-list mistakes cost U.S. millions; Outdated system linked to problem”: In July, I was classified as dead.

I first had trouble when a prescription I had ordered was denied. Next, I received a letter addressed to “the Estate of Mary Haskins” from the provider of my prescription drug program.

I called, and my coverage was reinstated. But I had to have my Social Security and Medicare benefits and two pensions reinstated. I had to see a notary public to swear that I was really me and that I was indeed alive. This took until November to correct.


Executive Parkway


Red-light cameras promote safety

I am dismayed at efforts to combat the use of red-light cameras (“Ban on red-light cameras fought; cities counter proposal to outlaw use, urge statewide standards,” Nov. 14). Frequent trips through Toledo’s Secor Road and Monroe Street intersection have shown me the benefit of this technology to protect us from crazy drivers.

Perhaps statewide standards for red-light cameras would be good. However, if people really want to prevent municipalities from using the cameras as revenue sources, drivers should take the extra few seconds to obey the law.




Quick light apossible hazard

If red-light cameras are mainly for safety and not revenue, why is there one at Alexis Road and Lewis Avenue in Toledo, where the traffic light is set to allow just about two vehicles to make a left turn? And that’s if you hurry and stay on the bumper of the vehicle ahead of you — an unsafe condition and a trap.


Temperance, Mich.